A 360 Support System for New Moms

The Village


tell me more

So, you’re the new mom on the block…

How are you, really?

...and feeling like a totally new person and wondering on the regular “am i doing this right!?”

Not to mention, 

It can feel incredibly isolating during this first year especially. Sure there are mom groups, but do you always feel seen or celebrated for your specific preferences as a mom? You’re craving a community touch point where you can feel supported and more confident embodying your flavor of motherhood...


Like, the best and totally fulfilled,  but


waa     waa

I know. You probably haven’t had a shower where you haven’t heard a phantom cry in a while. A white t-shirt doesn’t stand a chance against the days you have with your kiddo(s). Brushing your hair? What is that? Sleep who? You can’t imagine your life without your little one(s) but you experience pangs of missing your “old life”.


by nmotb

A place for you to trade stories and wisdom, and learn from experts in nutrition, sleep, and psychology. Furthermore, you'll be guided by me, who has ample experience holding people during transformational times such as the one you are in now, where it feels like your whole world has been flipped upside down. My intention is to help you see that as you embrace the uncertainty and transformation, and lean into motherhood and your intuition, more of your whole self blooms. That more authentic and whole self better serves you AND your children profoundly.

The Village

Take me to the Village

Enter                      by nmotb

The Village

You’ll get access to the NMOTB Whatsapp group to connect with other new moms.


For 3 months…

Every other week, we’ll gather virtually for 75 minutes to deep dive with Lindsey into topics around motherhood. Check out the weekly topics below!

We will also include a short, digestible and super valuable mini interview with experts and healers who have shaped Lindsey’s motherhood journey so far in a big way. These will be in written and audio form to accommodate your consumption preference :)

Every other week (on the weeks we don’t meet on zoom) you’ll receive an exclusive newsletter directly from Lindsey, expounding upon her own personal motherhood journey, plus we’ll provide you with lists of hand-picked recommendations by Lindsey (This includes everything from books to baby products to botox-free skincare!).

Nikki Novo

Author and master intuitive reader

Interview Guests


Connecting to and Understanding Your Child as a Soul

Danielle Pascente

fitness expert and creator of the DPFit App

Interview Guests


New Mom Movement & Reconnecting to Your Body

Gemma Habibi

A.H.C.A.P. Clinical Ayurvedic Practitioner

Interview Guests


Ayurvedic Nourishment for Mother and Child

Lauren Ketting-Olivier

Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

Interview Guests


Sleep Support for the Whole Family

Mary Voves

PT, DPT - Pelvic Health Physical Therapist

Interview Guests


Pelvic Floor Care

Jillian Turecki 

Relationship Coach, Author + Host of "Jillian on Love"

Interview Guests


Love After Baby: Nurturing Your Partnership

Manuela Welton

Intuitive and Holistic Practitioner

Interview Guests


Connecting To and Trusting Your Mother’s Intuition

Brigid Titgemeier

Functional Registered Dietitian and founder of BeingBrigid Functional Nutrition

Interview Guests


Nutrient Essentials for New Moms

3 Payments


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Pay In Full


Let’s be real, if you’re not feeling fully supported and resourced, fully in your power and connected to your intuition, it is challenging to support your child(ren), partner or anyone else.

What can I expect each week?

I want to support you, the mom, first and foremost.

I'm ready for the village!

November-January 2024/25

In our opening gathering, we’ll tune into how we are really feeling – mentally, physically and emotionally. There will be a spectrum here, and we’ll welcome it all. Oftentimes our mom superpowers make it difficult to identify when something within us needs tending. And oftentimes, we forget to honor how raw our emotions, body, and mind are right now. Feel like you’re on a rollercoaster? We got you. Here we will do a body, mind and spirit scan and establish some simple practices that will be foundational moving forward. We’ll also dive right in to connecting with other NMOTB’s with hilarious prompts – you’ll laugh a lot and your heart will be happy :) 

Session 1:

The Village

Pulse Check

In your first year of motherhood especially, it seems that most of us are in this in-between. We are no longer who we once were and life looks different. Yet, it’s hard to say that we have fully and confidently embodied our newest identity - MOM! We have jumped in head first into what we must do as a mother, but haven’t fully metabolized this major change. So this week, we are going to focus on our relationship to this new identity. What feels natural and what feels itchy? What parts of you are expired and what wants to be more embodied? We’ll get to witness one another in the full glory of total honesty and our hope is that there will be waves of relief and new found confidence.

Session 3:

Identity Shift Itch

We’ve heard that comparison is the thief of joy. But have you experienced the shame and guilt and judgment that comparison dumps on a new mom? OOOOF. It is heavy. So this week we are getting LIGHTER. We’ll talk consumption – how do we do so in a healthy way? We’ll get real about our social media habits and when it’s helping or hurting. We’ll break down how to actually connect to NMOTB’s near you – bringing the real social out of social media. Plus, we'll talk about the very real tendency we have as moms to compare ourselves and children to others. 

Session 5:

Comparison Trap + The Paradox Of Social Media

As a new mom, it’s normal to question whether you’re doing it right. But what we’ve forgotten is that so many of the answers lie within us, and within our connection to our children. This isn’t woo-woo, this is fact… and we’ll talk about why. This week we will explore what it feels like to trust our intuition as moms, what pulls us away from it, how to tune out the noise that doesn’t serve us or our families and to put your current challenges into perspective. We’ll pow wow on ways we can best tune into our children and laugh about the mommy blunders that happen on the daily.

Our children have chosen us to be their parents. They have chosen the learnings and mommy flubs that inevitably happen, too. There is a, dare I say, divine collaboration happening between us and our children. If we doubt ourselves or hold back our intuitive inclinations as a parent, we will be robbing them of what they signed up for as a little soul. The more we are able to embrace how we feel called to mother, the better off we are and the better off our children will be. We are going to break down what it means to mother honestly, to commit to doing internal work while embracing that which you are still figuring out. Perhaps most importantly, we are going to define our own individual values as mother’s, which will serve as guideposts throughout your entire life.

Session 6:

Embracing Your Flavor Of Motherhood

Partnership Check-in

Session 2:

Am I Doing This Right?

One thing is for sure when you have children, your relationship with your partner will change. Another thing is also for sure: If you and your partner are connected, communicative, attuned and compassionate, your children will benefit. So how do we get there in the wake of such a seismic shift in your life? We’ll talk about it. Sean will join us to weigh in from a non-birthing partners perspective.

Session 4:

November-January 2024/25

Sneak Peek Week by Week

Lean into YOUR flavor of motherhood.   Lean into YOUR flavor of motherhood.   Lean into YOUR flavor of motherhood.   Lean into YOUR flavor of motherhood.   Lean into YOUR flavor of motherhood.   Lean into YOUR flavor of motherhood.   Lean into YOUR flavor of motherhood.   Lean into YOUR flavor of motherhood.   Lean into YOUR flavor of motherhood.   Lean into YOUR flavor of motherhood.   Lean into YOUR flavor of motherhood.   Lean into YOUR flavor of motherhood.  

I'm lindsey!

I, too, became a new mom recently. I haven’t had a full night's sleep in 8 months, my left boob leaks on the regular and my right bicep is bigger than the other thanks to my 25 pound 1 year old. My marriage has changed since having a baby…my husband jokes, “What’s sex!?”. But we’ve gotten so good at scheduling that (lol), communicating, creating intimacy in lots of ways and just being a great team. The days are long and the months are short. My son is a new baby every week, so ya girl has to be agile and ready for change at any time.

Hello new mama,

I started New Mom on the Block to support your own flavor of motherhood...

to connect you back to your own intuition, to resource you and provide a community of sovereign moms who are dedicated to raising the next generation of children.

Frankly, there’s a better way to support each other that we’ve been missing, and it involves trusting ourselves more. I have spent the better part of the last decade connecting (and disconnecting) from my own intuition. Now, as a mom, I am connected

Are you ready, mama?

Let's do this!

and here to stay. 

I will be a trusted confidant, a provider of a space where you can show up exactly as you are.

(I know that might look like four day worn sweatpants and a messy bun on the top of your head…tired and a little anxious, but grateful and in love with your child and about thousand other things in between…and I welcome that.)

Over the last year I have gleaned an insane amount of insight and have had to embrace the messy and imperfect. I’ll be bringing this approach to our group experience…and I CANNOT WAIT to meet you and support you. 

The Village?

Let's do this!

Ready to join

the investment

3 Payments


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join now

Pay In Full


What if I want to speak with Lindsey 1:1 during the program?

When/ Where will the group calls take place?

I’m on a tight budget…
Are there payment plans available?


What happens to the group chat after the 3 months?

How long is the program?

What do you consider a “New Mom”? 

This sounds like what I’m looking for, but what if I don’t have enough time?

What if I miss a group call or the timing of the group calls doesn’t work for my schedule?

Truly? I feel like you are forever a new mom because our children are always changing and we must adapt and be agile and always have that beginners mindset!! But I’ve decided that for this first cohort I am inviting new moms in their first year of motherhood, including those who are within 3 months of giving birth. As this community grows, I am looking forward to expanding these experiences.

Absolutely! We know being a new mom is a big financial commitment. We’ll have both one-time payment options and month-by-month payment plans available!

We will meet on ZOOM every other Sunday at 3pm for 75 minutes, starting November 10, 2024 and running through January 19, 2025.

No worries! Each group session will be recorded and distributed to the group via a private YouTube link the following day after the group session. 

We know that nap times can shift and child support might run late or cancel or your baby just wants a contact nap (same!!)…so do not stress. We encourage you to show up as you are - perhaps you’ll just be listening to the audio and can’t participate…totally fine! We have found that joining live is the most special and potent. But there are no mandatory sessions to attend, and if you feel inspired or want to chat after re-watching the zoom call, remember there’s always the WhatsApp group chat that you can call upon for support!

Lindsey does offer a limited number of 1:1 sessions per month. You can email hello@newmomontheblock.com to inquire. But she will be answering questions/offering guidance during the Zoom Group Calls every other week!

Trust us, we get it. There are no mandatory sessions, homework, reading assignments, or exercises to complete. Everything is optional and at your disposal as needed. Our goal is to resource you, not overwhelm you <3. 

The Village is a 3-month commitment.

The group chat will live on under a name of your group’s choosing! Lindsey won’t be available there, but you’ll have new mom friends for life just a WhatsApp chat away :)